Sunday, December 03, 2006

Non-traditional materials:

here's some "playing" with bitumen, varnish, shellac, ink, oil-based paint, salt.... whatever I could get my hands on basically!

and some wax (top) and silicone (bottom) :

the silicone was a bit gunky - I wanted to drop it onto each stitch but couldn't do that - maybe I need to source a more liquid silicone (we used the stuff for sealing baths/sinks with).

The wax was easier to work with in some ways (less smelly, certainly!) and being liquid could be moved across each stitch more easily when using a tjanting (the "pen" with wax reservoir used for batik).

Lastly, resin - these pieces were not completely immersed, at the top the back of the knitting was immersed in resin, leaving the fur stitch loops free, and the piece on the bottom had the loops immersed int he resin, leaving the main knitted piece free.

It's interesting how the resin soaked into the yarn (undyed Colinette Point5) and removed it's opacity - this is definitely somthing I need to play around with again.

I'll photograph my sketchbook next time & show the images I'm going to work with further for the artists book I need to do. It's based on photo's I took at the beach last year, but cropped & moved around a bit so that they aren't obviously images of a shoreline anymore. The shapes and colours are really interesting though & I can see how I can use them as layers of different knitted pieces treated differently to create the pages of my book.